Single Page Template
Single page text/HTML website template. Flash software is NOT required to edit the text or images. You can use any HTML, wysiwyg or plain text editor to edit this website template page. All images are standard .jpg images that you can replace with your own standard .jpg images. See the template
step by step instructions to setup this website template and for hosting info, other options and addons. Edit font colors and sizes, page content background, and outer background colors by editing the plain text global coolstyle.css style file included with this template. Edit the header.js to change from a Flash logo to a graphic logo. For more templates
go to Allwebco website templates. For Flash and HTML addon applications see the
addon applications website. For all support and template help go to the
template support center.
Features List:
- Duplicate this list to add more lists
- 3 page options included: [1] [2] [3]
- HTML5 / CSS W3C compliant code
- Page can be duplicated to add more pages
- Colors, widths and fonts defined using CSS
- Edit this page using any HTML or plain text editor
- Add your list of features or services in this area
- Flash 5 slide text/image slideshow
- Basic HTML design
Template Addons
Allwebco templates are basic HTML designs you can add as many pages as you require to any template. You can also add scripts, applications, links, images and almost any feature you see on other websites can be added to any template. Allwebco also provides many
free scripts and add-ons as well as reasonably priced
premium add-ons that can be added to any Allwebco template.